Ponds reaches out to the local community to help our neighbors.

Ponds Food Pantry

The Ponds Food Pantry is a community food pantry available to anyone with an urgent nutritional need. Email food@pondsnj.org with any questions. The Food Pantry is open:

Tuesday – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Thursday – 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Saturday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

If you need additional help, please visit OaklandCares.com

AA Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous meets Monday through Friday at Ponds in the Fellowship Hall. Monday, Wednesday and Friday meetings begin at 6:30 pm. Tuesday the meeting begins at 8 pm and is a closed meeting. Thursday the meeting begins at 7 pm.


The pastoral staff is available to provide pastoral care and counseling as well as pastoral leadership. Call to set up an appointment 201-337-6744.

Healthy and Safe Homes

When families can’t afford to address repair needs, small problems grow into big issues, and the home can become unsafe and unhealthy.

For families caring for loved ones with a disability, home modifications are key to safety as well as the quality of life.

For many seniors, it can make all the difference between being able to age in a place with dignity or having to leave the home they love.

Ponds Church works with Rebuilding Together North Jersey to address unsafe or unhealthy conditions.

Weddings and Funerals

The pastoral staff is available to provide pastoral leadership for weddings and funerals. Call to set up an appointment 201-337-6744.