Rev. Nathan S. Busker
Senior Pastor
rev. deborah pierce
associate pastor for christian education
Matthew Harder
Music Director
michele leydon
office administrator
tyffany mendez
Food pantry coordinator
Stephany salazar
nursery care provider
“We believe that all people – body and soul – are created in the image of God; that all people of color, ethnicity, country of origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identities are valued and called to participate in God’s mission to the world. Therefore, we embrace people with a Christ-like love free from prejudice, shame, ignorance, and fear, and we commit to learn, educate and advocate until all people experience the justice of God, the peace of Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.”
Ponds Reformed Church
Bring God Our Very Best
Ponds Reformed Church has served the Oakland community in the name of Christ since 1710. Today, we are a part of the Reformed Church of America, a fellowship of nearly 1,000 local churches in the US and Canada that has the distinction of being the oldest Protestant denomination in North America with a continuing ministry.
The Dutch immigrants who colonized “New Amsterdam” (now New York City) in 1628 brought their churches with them, products of the 16th century Reformation that sought to reform their Church according to the word of God.
Confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the world, we share the theological beliefs and form a government characteristic of Presbyterian churches. We are a community of faith with a diversity of Christian traditions represented in our members’ backgrounds.
A Genuine Open Affirming Community in Oakland, New Jersey.
341 Ramapo Valley Road
Oakland, NJ 07436